Sunday, July 20, 2008

oh yeah

kinda forgot about this... again... i should journal more in real life but i don't have tons of time so this will suffice. i deleted (the few) old posts since they were half assed and well, embarassing. so, brief update: summer has been quite spectacular. london was fantastic, bonnaroo was a blast with a few minor bumps. hanging out with friends, going to a few shows in the next couple weeks (rx bandits, nine inch nails, maybe radiohead - oh and moe.down a few weeks after that!!!), and now i'm working a whole bunch - waitressing at finz. it's pretty good so far, hopefully i'll actually be able to save some money, it's tough walking out with cash every night. unfortunately i haven't made it to the beach yet but that will be remedied soon enough. i think that's about it for now.